Helping families make the most of personality differences.
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Personal Feedback with a Type Professional

Take the MBTI® Assessment

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is the best known and most trusted personality assessment in the world. From developing more effective work teams, to building stronger families, to creating more successful careers, the MBTI assessment can improve the quality of life for you and your organization. This personalized way to take the assessment fulfills the mission of Myers & Briggs Foundation and as our co-founder Isabel Briggs Myers said, brings our lives "closer to our heart's desire."


What You Get with the MBTI Assessment

1. The real Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment
You will take the MBTI online, which takes around 20 to 30 minutes. After your required one-hour phone or Skype feedback session has been completed, a personalized interpretive report detailing your results will be emailed to you.

2. A full hour of feedback from an MBTI® professional
People Stripes maximizes your experience with the MBTI instrument by including a one-hour personal feedback session delivered by a certified MBTI practitioner with extensive experience in helping others understand their results. Your feedback provider will explain your results in detail, helping you to discover your "best-fit" personality type, and suggesting ways to use this information to help you gain personal insights that apply to work, home, and relationships.

3. A real, live person to support you through the process
Your People Stripes customer service representative will be available during our business hours (Monday - Friday 9 am to 5 pm EST) to walk you through each step of this service. Think of this as your personal growth concierge service, guiding you through a revelatory process of self-discovery.

4. Free support materials for learning more about your type
Taking the MBTI instrument is just the beginning. The more you know about your type, the more you can apply it to the everyday challenges of life. We include the following resources (as PDF downloads) to use again and again as you discover more about yourself. You will refer to these during your feedback session:

  • Looking at Type®: The Fundamentals (64 pg. booklet)
  • Descriptions of the Sixteen Types (handout)
The cost for all this is just $175!

You also have the option of including a Career Report ($19.95) explaining how your type might inform career exploration and management.

Purchase for Yourself or a Colleague

(you will create an account)
Name on Report:
Contact Information: (Please supply your best daytime phone number)

Questions? To submit any questions you might have about the MBTI Assessment and a feedback session with an MBTI professional, click here