Helping families make the most of personality differences.
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Every child appreciated. Every child engaged.

Take the MMTIC® Assessment

Exploring Personality Type for your Child

Like the well-known Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) instrument, the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children® (MMTIC®) is a self-report assessment developed to measure children's psychological type preferences. This powerful approach for understanding personality, first proposed by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and further developed by Isabel Myers, has been refined for over 60 years, to the benefit of millions of people all over the world.

Now you can give your child an opportunity to get the same "aha" moments that adults have been getting. The MMTIC® experience will help children and families learn about their personality type preferences and understand the normal ways people process information, make decisions, and form relationships. Young people can then use those insights to accept and embrace differences in others, especially with their family, their teachers, and their peers.

If you would like to begin the process by learning about your type (highly recommended), you can take the MBTI assessment.

The MMTIC® Experience includes:

  • The opportunity for your child to take the MMTIC assessment online and receive their MMTIC report, delivered at the end of the feedback session.
  • A 45 minute individual feedback session with the child, conducted by a certified practitioner, via video chat (the parent may be present but will not participate in this part of the session). The feedback provider will work together with your child to explain their MMTIC results in detail, helping him or her discover their "best-fit" personality type, and suggesting ways to use this information to help them recognize their strengths and stretches.
  • A 15 minute consultation with the parents on the child's verified preferences, with suggestions for ways to work best with those preferences.
  • A copy of the Exploring Personality Type workbook developed for the child's age range
  • The High School version of this service includes the MMTIC® Career Report
  • A real, live person to help you and your family through the entire process!

The MMTIC experience comes in three versions, with content matching your child's grade level:

  • Elementary School: $149
  • Middle School: $149
  • High School: $159
Note: If you would like to have several children take the assessment and get back-to-back feedback sessions, please call People Stripes at 352-373-5670 for help in arranging that.

The Take the MMTIC® service is only available for purchase in the USA, and is for use only with children from age 7 through 18.

What will my child get (and not get) out of this experience?

Type awareness can help children learn to appreciate their strengths and understand when they must use more energy in order to be successful. As with adults, students and young adults who have been taught the concepts of type can use this knowledge to:

  • Improve relationships with parents and teachers
  • Improve relationships with siblings and friends
  • Improve study habits
  • Improve team work on group projects
  • Manage their time and energies more effectively
  • Become more self-directed in solving problems

Understanding type differences allows the child to interpret the behaviors of parents with different perspectives using a framework that recognizes the positive value of differences. One parent does not have to be good or right at the expense of the other parent.

Understanding type differences gives the child opportunities to review additional options beyond the ones that first seem reasonable. By following the problem-solving model of asking questions from each of the functions (Sensing, Intuition, Feeling, Thinking), the child learns to gather the necessary information for making good decisions.

Understanding type differences does not guarantee a child success. Type awareness helps them determine whether their approach to a given project is in line with their natural preferences and thus easier for them to do, or if they may need advice and assistance from others in order to be successful. Either way, if the child does not do the necessary work there will be no success.

Type is a tool for self-mastery. It is not a tool for managing others. Type awareness will not help the child change their siblings, parents, friends, or educators.

Type awareness does not address relationship and learning needs that are based on other neurological differences. It can help the child distinguish what is natural for the child and what is a result of other learning differences or needs.