Helping families make the most of personality differences.
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Emma Brandt

EMMA BRANDT is a senior at Mt. Hebron High School in Ellicott City, Maryland. She plans to attend a university, majoring in Psychology and Spanish. Emma began learning about personality type early in her high school career, when her mom went through MBTI® certification program. Emma has grown up in a very close family, is best friends with her younger sister, and daily engages in extensive conversations with her mom about people's personality types. Emma identifies as an ISFP and is always excited to share ideas and thoughts about personality types with anyone interested.

Articles By Emma Brandt

two teen girls, one smiling, the other with puckered lips and sunglasses in her hand

The View from Here

Mar 12, 2019
Emma Brandt
EMMA BRANDT is a senior in high school. She plans to attend a university, majoring in Psychology and Spanish. Emma began learning about personality type early in her high school career, and she engages daily in extensive conversations with her mom about people's personality types.
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Learning about personality type can make a big difference in how we view our siblings. They may not be intentionally trying to drive us crazy! This People Stripes article offers a perspective on how a teenager learned to understand that her sister sees the world differently.